CSP Downloads

Downloadable CSP Activity Database Searches

For the 55th reunion we provided a booklet containing a view of the database that shows contributors’ names, activity titles and overviews sorted by contributor name and location (see Contributor Demographics and Activities below). A recent project of the CSP organizers lead to a listing of activities that are on-going. If you want a custom search of the CSP database, contact Jim Lawrie.

Contributor-Demographics-and-Activities.pdf (4 downloads )

CSP-On-going-Activities.pdf (1 download )

CSP-On-going-Activities.xlsx (0 downloads )

CSP Worksheet

Click below to download the CSP Worksheet in Word format. The CSP Worksheet presents all the questions in Sections 4 through 9 of the CSP. It gives you the opportunity to think about and write your answers before completing the CSP forms online. While the worksheet is in Word format, it can be imported into other word processing software like Apple’s Pages. Use the worksheet to record your answers and then copy and paste the answers into the appropriate fields in the CSP forms.

CSP-Worksheet.docx (78 downloads )

CSP Manuals

  • The Protected Content User Manual covers using this site, CSP signup, password change, email forwarding, etc.
  • The G Suite User Manual covers basics of using G Suite including how to share photos and documents in your CSP activity.
  • The CSP Content Map shows all the information collected during entry of a CSP Activity. You will find this helpful when searching the CSP.

Click below to download user manuals and other useful documents.

Protected-Content-User-Manual.pdf (30 downloads )
CSP-Catalog-Entry-Cheat-Sheet-View-Only-3.pdf (18 downloads )
Google-Groups-Drive-Photos-User-Manual.pdf (69 downloads )
CSP-Forms-Map.pdf (25 downloads )