I spent most of 1970 in an all-expenses paid by Uncle Sam trip to sunny Southeast Asia. Some of the time was on Okinawa, but most of it was in I Corps, RVN (American tactical area of northernmost South Viet Nam [Republic of Viet Nam] pronuonced "Eye Corps." There were 5 such tactical areas designated with Roman Numerals).
Despite the constant potential of little pieces of metal flying through the air, it was obvious that Viet Nam was a very beautiful and interesting country. I had always wanted to go back and finally got to do so in 2017 after trying for a 40th anniversary trip in 2015 made impossible by too much work, and an aborted trip in 2016 due to both the sudden death of the tour group leader and the need for surgery on my neck.
But 2017 was the charm and Leslie and I went for two weeks. Each day I would post commentary and a couple of photos from the prior day on Facebook. Many friends said they would like to see more, and I promised to do a lengthier journal when we got back. Little did I know it would end up being 226 pages.
But if you are interested in taking a tour of the northernmost part of South Viet Nam with a couple of days in Hanoi (including standing in John McCain’s cell in the Hanoi Hilton), take a look at the journal of this trip (link below).
As an aside – the reason I am now the Class Newsletter Editor is because Peter Fahey, then Class President, read the journal and decided I should be the next editor.
Click this button to read Mark's journal and see all the beautiful photos. It's a big PDF, so be patient with the download.